RTL Donation Marathon Shines Spotlight on LR Global Kids Fund and Lunch Club
It's that time again on Friday, 17th November 2023 when LR Global Kids Fund e.V. (LRGKF) steals the show at the annual RTL Donation Marathon.
TV presenter Wolfram Kons will welcome this Ahlen-based children's charity to the studio for the eighth time. The longest charity broadcast on German television will offer viewers a glimpse into the remarkable work of LRGKF and Lunch Club Ahlen. The donation check presentation will take place once again on the final day of the RTL Donation Marathon
- Friday, 17th November 2023 - between 10:00 and 10:30 on RTL.
Kirsten Ueckmann will again present the donation check. The Chairwoman of LRGKF is eagerly anticipating the event, as participating in the RTL Donation Marathon and supporting the charity is a matter close to her heart. "I am delighted that this year, female sales partners who are actively supporting the charity will join me. Although I may feel nervous on stage, it is always a fantastic experience."
The live broadcast will feature footage of the RTL Kinderhaus Lunch Club in Ahlen, with the newly designed garden on Wichernstrasse being the highlight of the show, briefly airing on television screens across Germany. Having a garden for playing and consuming was a long-desired wish for the children. Therefore, the "Utility Garden" project was born. The outcomes are remarkable! Alongside excellent play equipment and a barefoot path, the children can also collect fruit from trees and bushes, as well as harvest vegetables from the raised bed in their garden. The filming for this video was conducted in August, and Kirsten Ueckmann and Achim Tirocke attended the garden's inauguration and observed the children's excitement up close.
"I am delighted to announce that we are once again able to donate a substantial amount this year to 'Stiftung RTL – Wir helfen Kindern e.V.' This achievement has been made possible entirely through donations. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all our charity supporters, especially to the LR sales partners, LR employees, and LR Health & Beauty. All of the funds raised will go towards benefiting the Lunch Club.